Bergamo: 4 - 5 June 2026

A collection of articles, reviews and news published by magazines and websites in the sector, sorted by date of publication.


Comunicare la sostenibilità

interzum forum italy, prima edizione del nuovo format proposto da Koelnmesse a Bergamo, è stato valutato dagli organizzatori un debutto di successo anche grazie al palinsesto di alto livello proposto dalla parte congressuale.

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d.m.y - Mobel Fertigung

interzum forum italy 2024 | Koelnmesse is delighted with successful premiere

The interzum forum italy 2024 in figures: 4,820 visitors from 52 countries (of which approx. 20% from abroad) and 216 exhibitors from 24 countries (36% from abroad) came to Bergamo.

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d.m.y - Le Courrier du Meuble

Première édition réussie pour interzum forum italy

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d.m.y - Cocina Integral

First edition of interzum forum italy

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d.m.y - SleepTech

interzum forum italy 2024: the first edition of the new event for suppliers of the furniture and interior design sector was a great success

The first edition of interzum forum italy was held in Bergamo and featured a large international presence. It was a successful debut for this new two-yearly event dedicated to furniture supply and interior design professionals.

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d.m.y - Web and Magazine

The first edition of interzum forum italy was positive

The first edition of interzum forum italy 2024, event for the furnishing and interior design subcontracting sector, proved to be a success: 216 exhibitors present, coming from 24 countries, 2820 visitors from 52 countries, over 30 conferences who animated the edition.

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d.m.y - Camper Professional

interzum forum italy 2024: debutto di successo

Con 4.820 visitatori provenienti da 52 paesi e 216 espositori provenienti da 24 paesi, la prima edizione di interzum forum italy, tenutasi a Bergamo, è stata un successo e si è proposta da subito come un evento chiave per i fornitori del settore dell’arredamento e del design d’interni.

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d.m.y - about camp

Interzum Forum Italy 2024: a successful debut

With 4,820 visitors from 52 countries and 216 exhibitors from 24 countries, the first Interzum Forum Italy event, held in Bergamo, was a resounding success and has already established itself as a key event for suppliers in the furniture and interior design sector.

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d.m.y - Italy Export


216 exhibitors from 24 countries, 4,820 visitors from 52 countries, 30+ conferences with 60+ speakers from Italy and elsewhere, Next edition: 4-5 June 2026.

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První ročník interzum forum italy označili pořadatelé za „velký úspěch“

První ročník interzum forum italy, který se konal 6.–7.6.2024 v Bergamu, měl velkou mezinárodní účast. Byl to úspěšný debut této nové akce s dvouletou periodicitou věnované profesionálům v oblasti dodávek nábytku a interiérového designu.

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d.m.y - Furniture & Joinery Production

interzum forum italy 2024 heralded a great success

The first edition of interzum forum italy was held in Bergamo and featured a large international presence.

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d.m.y - Cocina Integral

Así fue la primera edición de Interzum Forum Italy

La primera edición de Interzum Forum Italy se celebró en Bérgamo los pasados 6 y 7 de junio de forma exitosa y con una gran presencia internacional, según sus organizadores.

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d.m.y - Conca Ternana Oggi

Il forum Interzum ha dichiarato un grande successo Italia 2024

Prima edizione IInterzum Forum Italia Si tiene a Bergamo e ha una grande presenza internazionale. È stato un successo il lancio di questo nuovo evento biennale dedicato ai professionisti della fornitura di mobili e dell’interior design.

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d.m.y - Cocina Integral

Así fue la primera edición de Interzum Forum Italy

La primera edición de Interzum Forum Italy se celebró en Bérgamo los pasados 6 y 7 de junio de forma exitosa y con una gran presencia internacional, según sus organizadores.

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d.m.y - Biznes

Udany debiut interzum forum italy 2024

Pierwsza edycja nowego wydarzenia dla dostawców z branży meblarskiej i wyposażenia wnętrz – interzum forum italy 2024 – okazała się sukcesem.

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